Cool Beans: A Maya Davis Novel by Erynn Mangum

Hello Romantics!

Do you know that sometimes it gets a little hard to write this blog? Why is that you may ask? Because there are times when I can’t decide which book I want to review over another!  Sometimes I can’t even make a decision until the day the review is due.

So today I decided to flip a coin (metaphorically speaking) and this novel was the winner!

This week’s pick is dedicated to my younger romantics. Pre-teens and teenagers.

For those of you who don’t know I work with kids in a couple of age ranges.  One of my favorites is a group of girls I have a monthly bible study with that are in middle and high school.

I love reading so much that I like to suggest good reads to them and see how they like them.  This particular book is one I would definitely suggest to them.

Cool Beans: A Maya Davis Novel, is the first book in a trilogy.  Maya Davis is a barista at a local coffee shop and has a roommate/best friend that has just started dating a wonderful new guy.  The kicker is that the new wonderful guy happens to be Maya’s first major boyfriend whom she thought she was going to marry a few years ago!

Maya is stuck in a quandary.  She is happy for her friend and she knows that Travis isn’t the one for her but she still is a little jealous and upset about the whole situation.

Of course, I’m sure you are wondering how does Travis not know what is going on during most of this book.  The sad part is he doesn’t even realize that the roommate of his girlfriend is his former girlfriend until almost halfway through the book.  It seems Maya used to dye her hair blond while they were dating and she now wears her hair her natural brunette color.  

But wait a minute this is a blog dedicated to romance stories! What is so romantic about this story line? Hmm…I guess I forgot to mention another important character by the name of Jack, Maya’s other best friend and co-worker.  

Now I’m gonna tell you if you are looking for a big sweeping romantic story this is not the book for you.  This story is more about Maya’s relationship with God and whether or not she will learn to trust Him with every aspect of her life.


So will Maya be able to keep to keep her friendship with her roommate, Jenny? Will she get over her jealousy? Will Jack be able to open Maya’s eyes as to how much he really loves her?

Hah!!! You know I’m not gonna tell you! You’ll have to read and see for yourself!

Cool Beans: A Maya Davis Novel by Erynn Mangum


Re-readability Rating:

2 out of 5 stars

While I liked the book, I actually have only read it once maybe twice since I got it last year. I just finished the second in the series and prefer re-reading it more.

Romance Rating:

3 out of 5 stars

This book isn’t a typical romance book. There isn’t any kissing scenes or anything like that. It’s a sweet story about a young lady figuring out her relationship with God and how she goes through life.  I think she is a good role model for any young lady.